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Friday, November 19, 2010

a sunstruck room

Heres a shot of my bedroom in my new western Australian home. I moved here recently for work.. coming up to four months now!! funny thing is i'm not really into t.v. (i prefer internet.. yet somehow i have attracted two!) - I think they are more just decoration in my room. :)

..and YES! it overlooks the pool.


  1. your room looks amazing! and i love the touch of the tv to the room, hehe! dual purposes anyway if you do/don't watch it. and it overlooks the pool, how refreshing. oh i'd love to have your room! :)


  2. such a hip room. what kind of camera do you use?

    now a follower, thanks for stopping by.

  3. Thanks for the comment. I wish my room overlooked a pool. I would also love to live in Australia, as I've never been.


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